Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas activities and Karate

The holiday season is such a wonderful yet busy time. Here are a few pictures of the kids in the past week. Enjoy...
Carter had his school Christmas program. He is 3rd from the left in the green Santa sweater. We got a new camera and I am still learning a little.

There he is doing the motions. Love his sweater, my grandma made it for me when I was about 7 or so.... She made them for the grandkids and now I have them for the great grandkids to wear.

After the performance in his sweater. Such a big boy.

I tried for a picture together, but that really is just tough these days. Here is Abby in one of her Christmas outfits.

Abby all decked out for Christmas.

Carter has been taking Karate at school and he was able to go for his 3rd junior belt last week.

Showing off his skills.

Look at those kicks.

Getting his blue belt with his instructor.
Hopefully, I will update more this weekend. We have lots of fun things planned.

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