Thursday, May 14, 2009

Return to work

I returned to work on Monday and things have been going fine. It is an adjustment and very hectic. We are out the door by 6:30am so that I can take Carter and Abby to daycare near my work. Carter will be going to a new preschool in a few weeks and we are very excited. I work 8 hour days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, we went to visit a dear and special friend of mine. She was a former patient and she played the organ at our wedding. It were her first time to meet Abby. We had a great time. Carter was excited to go and give her a hug. It was sweet. Abby will be 3 months tomorrow. Time does fly. Not so sure of going to daycare on her first day.She really has long legs...
Our visit with Ms. Fulmer. (Carter took this picture)
Lovin on Abby.
I am so cute...

Abby is starting to play with toys.

My precious Abby...

Brother and sister.... He loves her so much..

Trying out the Bumbo Seat...


Joy said...

Cute pictures! I pray God gives you strength and grace as you return to work! Sounds like a crazy schedule, but so good that you have Wednesdays off!!!

Kim L said...

I LOVE that first picture of her! So cute and funny!! I hope you adjust well to going back to work.

Sherry said...

How fun to see Ms. Fulmer again! I remember her well from your wedding.

Our Rachel just returned to teaching after her maternity leave and now has a deeper respect for working moms.

You're doing a great job of letting us enjoy your children from a distance. Thanks!